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For Local Small Businesses

Rockingham Web Design and Development

100% hand-coded, premium websites by a local Rockingham developer, partnered with other Rockingham local photographers and copywriters

Our Services

Designed to enhance your online presence, increase credibility and bring extra customers through the Google door

  • Website Design

    Improve your online presence with our sleek web design and development. We create websites which leave a lasting impression.

  • Exceptionally Speedy

    A website should load within the first 3 seconds and we optimise the code to do just that.

  • Fully Responsive

    Enjoy a fully responsive design that adapts to any device, ensuring that your website not only looks great on computers but also on all other devices.

Allie pink graphic abstract flower
About Us

Allie the Developer

I studied Electrical Engineering with a specialisation in Computer at the University of Sydney. During my time at university I taught DECO1016 Introduction to Design Principles where first year students designed the critical onboarding processes for companies and was also an online tutor for Grok Academy’s Web Comp.

I then worked for the Royal Australian Navy as a Weapons Electrical Engineer for a couple years but left after I was sexually harassed by my Engineering Course instructor. This balanced my hard technical skills with soft skills and after overcoming hurdles in the Navy - I feel I can do anything - including making you a great website : ))

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Why Choose us

Get more than just a website

  • Website Conversion Design Principles

    Principles focusing on optimising users journeys to maximise the likelihood of visitors taking desired actions, such as getting a quote, or signing up for a newsletter.

  • Modern Design Principles

    Principles which emphasize simplicity and user-centric design to create engaging, intuitive, and visually appealing digital experiences.

  • Mobile Responsive Design

    Ensures that a website provides optimial viewing experience across a wide range of devices - in particular mobile - adjusting layout and content dynamically to fit different screen sizes and orientations.

  • Static Sites Not Dynamic Sites

    100% custom coded websites are static. Dynamic sites such as Wix or Wordpress use additional server side languages and technologies to take HTML, CSS and assets from a database and brings it together

  • Mobile First Programming

    The code is written starting with mobile screens first, so the mobile code is read first hence making your site lightning fast on the mobile.

  • Better Security

    Dynamic sites have databases and server-side platforms that can be attacked when they are trying to access content. Static sites don’t have a database and hence nothing to attack.


Create your website today

Bring in more business, enhance your credibility and get in touch with your local Rockingham website creator